Representative systems of internal time, different from the mantic BAP system
AUTHORS : Gotovsky Yu.V. | Ilyukhin V.V. | Mkhitaryan K.N.
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational
The question can be raised about the presence of representative systems of the internal time of the body [1, 2], which differ from the system of mantic BAP (MBAT) of the palms. This question has both practical and theoretical significance. Indeed, when solving a number of problems of chronosemantic diagnostics and / or therapy, the direct use of the MBAT system of the palm seems either difficult or completely impossible.
The simplest such task is the task of proving the fact that the MBAT system represents the events of the patient’s interpreted past and / or the future modeled (imagined) by him. The solution to this problem is obviously both theoretical and practical interest.