Diathesis, miasms, constitution. Searching for a constitutional drug using ART

Diathesis, miasms, constitution. Searching for a constitutional drug using ART

AUTHORS : Fadeev I.V. | Berezina E.N. | Protopopova M.A. | Zherlykin I.M. | Udaltsova L.V.

YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

The search for a drug must meet the main condition: quickly and accurately achieve the goal. ” G. Koehler “

The urgency of the problem is a constitutional drug. But most practicing doctors also remember that In addition, a thinking adherent of the Unicist school and high potencies of homeopathy is always 1-2 months. if they go to another doctor, and in the worst case, they leave homeopathy and reflexology in general. In homeopathic treatment, an ideal remedy capable of eliminating many problems, selection of a constitutional drug is a very complex, laborious and lengthy process.

doubts his first appointment, and he learns about how the drug worked only through If the drug is not selected accurately or for some reason did not “work”, many patients are at their best. Diathesis – anomaly of the constitution (Greek. diatesis – predisposition, inclination) is the state of the body when its functions are in an unstable balance for a long time. At the same time, the body itself has an innate and acquired tendency to inadequate responses to ordinary influences.

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