Devices of the firm “IMEDIS” in human ecology

Devices of the firm “IMEDIS” in human ecology

AUTHORS : Semenova N.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : School of Health “Nadezhda”, Sochi, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational

The school of health of N. Semenova “Nadezhda” in Sochi has been using devices of the firm “IMEDIS” since 1997. Every month 150-200 people come to the school. The school is engaged in educational activities among the population on human ecology. Health lessons and the practice of cleansing the body require an objective assessment of the results of the students’ work. It is for this purpose that the equipment is used.

When entering a health school, each student describes the state of his body according to accepted stereotypes – diseases of various organs and a list of medications used. After that, using the devices of the IMEDIS Center, we determine the presence of infection with parasites – worms, fungi, viruses. Particular attention is paid to toxoplasmosis and hepatitis, as a parasitic cause that affects the brain and liver – a blood filter.

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