ART of an infectious nature, the development of severe chronic and human cancer

ART of an infectious nature, the development of severe chronic and human cancer

AUTHORS : Eliseeva O.I. | Muraveva I.L. | Salnikova T.V. | Tikhonova I.S. | Zheleznova N.E. | Fedorova V.A. | Minina L.N. | Fedorovskaya I.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : NPOC O.I. Eliseeva, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational

Analysis of the results of diagnostics using the method of vegetative resonance test, carried out at our Center for the last 3 years to 750 patients, allowed us to identify and trace the entire causal chain of relationships in the development of severe diseases. In addition, to establish that the development of the disease can begin from any cause, which means at any link in the chain and go in a circle, both clockwise and counterclockwise. This causal chain is shown in Fig.

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