The first experience of using bioresonance technologies in diagnosticsand therapy of chronic osteomyelitis in children

The first experience of using bioresonance technologies in diagnosticsand therapy of chronic osteomyelitis in children

AUTHORS : Leskin G.S. | Mashkov A.E. | Petritskaya E.N. | Druzyukone E.Z. | Zverevone THEM. | Gotovsky Yu.V. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MONIKI them. M.F. Vladimirsky;Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Experience

Despite the fact that the principles of treatment of acute osteomyelitis are well developed, nevertheless, the chronicization of the inflammatory process in children occurs, according to different authors, in 10-60% of cases.

The main reasons for this are late hospitalization, untimely surgical intervention with sanitation of a purulent focus, inadequate antibiotic therapy, unreasonably long immobilization after acute osteomyelitis, which slows down the reparative processes of bone tissue, etc. However, the development of a chronic inflammatory process is often observed even after timely and adequate therapy of acute osteomyelitis. In the pathogenesis of chronic osteomyelitis, a number of factors are of prime importance.

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