Complex treatment of patients with vegetative-visceral paroxysms (practical observations)

Complex treatment of patients with vegetative-visceral paroxysms (practical observations)

AUTHORS : Avanesova E.G. | Kabychki A.E. | Gotovsky Yu.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 39 Central Polyclinic of the Navy, Head – Medical Colonel services Makarov Yu.N .; Center “IMEDIS”; Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Method of treatment

Vegeto-visceral paroxysms are a pathology that is quite common in the practice of a doctor of any specialty. In such patients, complaints of a somatic nature come to the fore: attacks of pain in the heart, paroxysms of abdominal pain with dyspeptic disorders, paroxysmal headaches, episodes of a short-term rise in blood pressure, etc. for a number of years, while pathology from the internal organs is either not detected, or when the diagnosis is made “ischemic heart disease”, “arterial hypertension”, “acute cholecystopancreatitis”, etc.

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