The use of images of gemetric figures and digital signs when establishing the levels of the pathological process and their phase changes during bioresonance therapy

The use of images of gemetric figures and digital signs when establishing the levels of the pathological process and their phase changes during bioresonance therapy

AUTHORS : Shovkoplyas Yu.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Branch scientific and practical complex “Health”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Type of application

The use of hardware and software systems developed and manufactured under the guidance of prof. Yu.V. Gotovsky at the IMEDIS Center, allows you to objectively reflect the entire area of space occupied by a particular organism and to substantiate a real program of therapy. The use of dialectical methodology and tactical capabilities of the above diagnostic and restorative systems contributes to unification and formalization of the allocated levels of the body’s reflection, as one of the bases for ensuring the necessary degree of the specified guaranteed correction.

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