To the mechanisms of bioresonance vibration sound correction functional state
AUTHORS : Serebrennikova L.V. | Kazhdan E.Ya.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational
Esoteric knowledge, conditionally for example, synthesizing unique information about the possibilities are subdivided into planetary-regional as medicine of the East, West). In real human, (considering, to reality only local-geographical concepts of traditional medicine and healing is nothing more than a fragment of the Common Knowledge about a person, a variation of a diverse-specific approach to the problem the survival and improvement of man, And it is the XX century demonstrated the synthesis of planetary knowledge, associative thinking, an integrated approach to the cardinal problems of mankind.
And therefore, modern scientific and practical centers actively use both planetary knowledge and especially effective multidimensional technologies from different countries of the world.