Comparative assessment of functional indicators of general reactivity body and immune system

Comparative assessment of functional indicators of general reactivity body and immune system

AUTHORS : Maslova M.G. | Volodarsky V.L.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : National Research Center for Health and Safety of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational

In assessing the professional health of servicemen of various categories and for monitoring the state of health, high diagnostic efficiency of research methods and the promptness of obtaining the necessary information are important. Having been engaged in electropunctural diagnostics (EPD) according to R. Voll for many years, then by the method of vegetative resonance test (ART) “IMEDIS-TEST”, we received certain data on the peculiarities of the state of the central nervous system, ANS, immunity in healthy men 18-40 years old, depending on professional and environmental factors.

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