Influence of bioresonance therapy on the state of uteroplacental-fetal blood flow

Influence of bioresonance therapy on the state of uteroplacental-fetal blood flow

AUTHORS : Gotovsky Yu.V. | Manelis E. S. | Krylova O.L.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow; City Clinical Hospital No. 2 them. N.A. Semashko, Samara; Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Type of application

Violations of the uteroplacental-fetal blood flow (MPPC) are the most important factor causing the suffering of the intrauterine fetus (hypoxia, developmental delay, infection, etc.). Existing methods of MPPC correction (drugs of rheological, volemic, metabolic-trophic action, etc.) are not always effective enough and can cause allergic reactions. R.S. Zamaleeva showed a beneficial effect of bioresonance therapy (BRT) on the condition of the mother, fetus and newborn in pregnant women with extragenic pathology.

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