Topical issues of the use of therapeutic factors of low intensity in the clinic for disorders of nervous regulation

Topical issues of the use of therapeutic factors of low intensity in the clinic for disorders of nervous regulation

AUTHORS : Meizerov E.E.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES :  Scientific and Practical Center for Traditional Medicine and Homeopathy of the Ministry of Health Russia, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2000 | Category : Informative

The modern successes of reflexology are associated, first of all, with the achievements of experimental and clinical medicine, which have made it possible by now to draw up a fairly complete picture of the mechanisms that implement the therapeutic effects of different types of influences on the human receptor systems. At the same time, the term “reflexology” has a fundamental difference from the existing ones (acupuncture, thermopuncture, electropuncture, etc.), since it reflects the nature of the phenomenon itself: its mechanisms, not the method of influence [5].

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