Determination of the phase of homotoxicosis by the method of electropunctural diagnostics according to R. Voll

Determination of the phase of homotoxicosis by the method of electropunctural diagnostics according to R. Voll

AUTHORS : Gritsenko E.G. | Gritsenko A.G.

YEAR : 1999 | Category : Type of application

The homotoxicological concept, being an integral system that reflects the dynamics of the development of pathological conditions and the ways of their reverse development, represents a theoretical basis for evaluating the effectiveness of therapy in any area of medical activity. Voll’s electropuncture method of diagnostics and therapy (EAF) makes it possible to assess the state of physiological and pathophysiological processes in the form of accurately measured indicators, consistently it is able to provide quantitative criteria for determining the phases of homotoxicosis.

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