The use of bioresonance therapy in working with families with aggravated gynecological, obstetric and genetic anamnesis

The use of bioresonance therapy in working with families with aggravated gynecological, obstetric and genetic anamnesis

AUTHORS : Keisha I. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : medical center “Balt-Med-Ros” and the state center “Health families”, Riga, Latvia
YEAR : 1997   |  Category : Type of Application

Working according to the method of R. Voll since 1990, at first I used the equipment made in Riga, later – the hardware and software complex “IMEDISFALL”, the chronobiological program “Astromed”, the autonomous device “IMEDISBRT”, developed and produced by the center intelligent medical systems “IMEDIS” (Moscow), as well as “RAYOMETER” of German production. In terms of efficiency, the equipment of the IMEDIS center turned out to be more efficient, therefore, it was given preference in subsequent work.

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