Synergetics, information medicine, vegetative resonance test8 دسامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaSynergetics, information medicine, vegetative resonance test AUTHORS : Makhonkina L.B. | Sazonova I.M. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow, Russia YEAR : 1999 |…
ACUVISION – a new visualization solution for acupuncture points30 نوامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaACUVISION – a new visualization solution for acupuncture points AUTHORS : Avakyan R. | Teppone M. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Koloyaro-2000”,…
Degenerative processes under the control of ART “IMEDIS-TEST” – to an optimal strategy and maximum results30 نوامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaDegenerative processes under the control of ART “IMEDIS-TEST” – to an optimal strategy and maximum results AUTHORS : Snezhinsky Yu.V.…
Treatment of female infertility by even inversion of “antispermin”30 نوامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaTreatment of female infertility by even inversion of “antispermin” AUTHORS : Madgaziev R.M. | Madgaziev O.R. | Madgaziev G.R. RELEVANT…
The use of energy-informational “amulets” in bioresonance and multiresonance therapy30 نوامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaThe use of energy-informational “amulets” in bioresonance and multiresonance therapy AUTHORS : Madgaziev R.M. | Madgaziev O.R. | Madgaziev G.R.…
Symmetries of the forms of the individual, the wave nature of the meridians30 نوامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaSymmetries of the forms of the individual, the wave nature of the meridians AUTHORS : Chubarov V.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES :…
To the question of a unique and universal frequency “keys” in biorhythmology (theoretical study)30 نوامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaTo the question of a unique and universal frequency “keys” in biorhythmology (theoretical study) AUTHORS : LEO SHARQ RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES…
The device “SOBOL” – as protection against the damaging effects of geopathogenic zones and the burdens of the human body caused by them30 نوامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaThe device “SOBOL” – as protection against the damaging effects of geopathogenic zones and the burdens of the human body…
Experience in the management of patients suffering from severe chronic diseases30 نوامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaExperience in the management of patients suffering from severe chronic diseases AUTHORS : Ksynkin V.A. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Kharkov, Ukraine…
Determination of unfavorable and favorable periods for diagnostics using “virtual fields”30 نوامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaDetermination of unfavorable and favorable periods for diagnostics using “virtual fields” AUTHORS : Zakharyan R.R. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rector of…
Psychological practice30 نوامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaPsychological practice AUTHORS : Smirnova N.E. RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : All-Russian Scientific and Practical Center for Career Guidance and Psychological support…
Possibilities of ophthalmic color-pulse therapy in providing emergency help for patients with bronchial asthma30 نوامبر 20210Bioresonance TobaPossibilities of ophthalmic color-pulse therapy in providing emergency help for patients with bronchial asthma AUTHORS : Teterina T.P. | Chebakova…