Bioresonance approach to the study of the mechanism of the influence of cosmic factors on the body in norm and patholog

Bioresonance approach to the study of the mechanism of the influence of cosmic factors on the body in norm and patholog

AUTHORS : Ivanchenko V.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Pulse”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2006


Even in ancient India and China, the doctrine of the movement of a special energy “Ki” along the meridians and biologically active points of the body was developed. In particular, in the “Yellow Emperor’s Treatise on the Internal” it is indicated that the Emperor Huang Di asked Qi-Bo: “How does
a person get” Ki “?” Qi-Bo replied: “… At dawn,“ Yang ”(Yang meridians) receives“ Ki ”…. The sun sets, Yang ends, and Yin (Yin meridians) receives Ki. At dawn, Yin ends (depleted) and Yang receives Ki. The movement takes place without stopping, just like the sun and the moon move ”.
Hundreds of thousands of specialists have read these lines, but they all seemed like an allegory. Meanwhile, the results of our research show that the ancient scientists of the East knew that cosmic factors control the movement of energy along the meridians.



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