The structure of the systemic nosological approach
AUTHORS : Shadrichev V.A. | Rybko V.O. | Golikov S.K.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Yaroslavl State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,Yaroslavl, Kursk, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2021 | Category : Educational
The systemic nosological approach (SNP) is a new direction in diagnostics and therapy, it involves the combined use of ART [1–2] and BRT [3] methods, taking into account both the patient’s nosology and his constitution. This approach has increased the effectiveness of the therapy. In recent years, the SNP has established an internal structure and specific terminology used by doctors who constantly use this approach in their work.
Research Objectives: To describe the main notation, definitions and structures SNP.