Experience of using BRT in various pathologies

Experience of using BRT in various pathologies

AUTHORS : Artemenko S.V. | Tolstykh L. D. | Lykova E. D. | Igoshina E.A. | Abapsheva L.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center for bioresonance therapy “EliteMed”, Krasnodar, Russia
YEAR : 2020 | Category : Educational

It is not always possible to immediately determine the causes of certain diseases. The discrepancy between the patient’s complaints and the results of ART is associated with many factors that can accidentally lead the examination and treatment process aside. Therefore, it is sometimes important to return to the primary diagnosis in order to develop a treatment taking into account the newly obtained results.

It often happens that some data are ignored, not taken into account, or vice versa, BRT results are “tied” to survey data obtained from other sources. When developing examination algorithms, we, as a rule, proceed from the patient’s priority complaints, examination data, and ART results. In the course of treatment, with regression of active complaints, other data (laboratory, physical, etc.) are included in the additional examination.

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