Effective rehabilitation after joint arthroplasty at an early and late stage. Case from practice
AUTHORS : Kirillova E.F.
YEAR : 2020 | Category : Clinical Case
In the modern structure of joint diseases, osteoarthrosis (OA) is observed in more than 20% of the population. Previously, OA was characteristic mainly for the age group over 65 years old. Currently, the age limit has dropped significantly, and the disease is detected already at the age of 30, and among the population over 65 years old – in 60-70%, in women – 7 times more often than in men.
The cause of OA is polyetiological and has many risk factors, including: sports injuries, infections, occupational pathology, inadequate diets, physical overload. Modern methods of treatment of OA are more often aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome and give only a short-term effect. Unfortunately, the process of joint destruction, like aseptic inflammation, cannot be stopped.