The results of experimental studies of plant extract on the model of toxic liver damage in an animal experiment

The results of experimental studies of plant extract on the model of toxic liver damage in an animal experiment

AUTHORS : Ferubko E.V. | Nikolaev S.M. | Dargaeva T.D.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : FSBSI All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal
and aromatic plants “(Moscow)
YEAR : 2019


V article presented study results hepatoprotective actions a multicomponent plant extract obtained from the following types of plant materials: flowers of the immortelle sandy, tansy flowers, rose hips, stinging nettle leaves, mint leaves, licorice roots,
in conditions of tetrachloromethane hepatitis. It was found that the course administration of the extract per os at a dose of 250 mg / kg to white nonlinear rats with carbon tetrachloride damage to the liver has a hepatoprotective effect that exceeds the effect of the reference drug
allochol. With the pharmacotherapy of toxic hepatitis with a plant extract in the blood serum, the levels of activity of enzymes – markers of cytolysis syndrome are clearly reduced, and the manifestations of cholestasis syndrome are significantly reduced.



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