Possibilities of correcting generalized muscle hyperfasilitation with myofascial pain syndrome with a personalized selection of Bach flower essences in the practice of a chiropractor
AUTHORS : Boldin1 A.V. | Tardov2 M.V. | Bokova1 I.A. | Zaushnikova3 T.S.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1FGAOU VO First MGMU im. THEM. Sechenov, Ministry of Health of Russia
(Sechenov University), Moscow; 2GBUZ “Research
Clinical Institute of Otorhinolaryngology named after L.I. Sverzhevsky “, Moscow;
3Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State
medical stomatological university named after A.I. Evdokimova, Moscow
YEAR : 2019
SUMMARY The possibilities of using a combination of apparatus and manual muscle testing for the individual selection of Bach essences in the treatment of patients
with myofascial pain syndrome occurring against the background of generalized muscle hyperfasilitation are shown. The study revealed a significant (p <0.05)
acceleration of regression of the algic component and psychoemotional dysfunctions in patients with generalized muscle hyperfasilitation with the
combined use of manual therapy and individually selected Bach essences for the
treatment of myofascial pain syndrome.