Use of markers obtained from the patient in bioresonance therapy

Use of markers obtained from the patient in bioresonance therapy

AUTHORS : Postnikova O.A. | Postnikova E.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Course of Complementary Medicine, Department of Therapy,Geriatrics and Anti-Aging Medicine APO FNKTs FMBA MH RF, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational

In our work, for diagnostics and therapy, we used the devices of the IMEDIS Center: MINI-EXPERT-DT and IMEDIS-BRT-A. When conducting ART and BRT, we used various markers – pointers that are associated with both the particular tasks, complaints of the patient or his specific current problems, and with the general tasks of the body as a whole, and even with the psychological and life tasks of a person. In addition to pointers to the problems present in the selector, markers that are obtained from the patient can be used in diagnosis and treatment.

Such indicators can be natural materials, autonosodes (in particular, from the patient’s blood), potentiated according to the laws of isopathy and homeopathy, and electronic preparations prepared from them, as well as preparations of control signals from the patient, recorded using various devices (including constitutional markers KMH, removed from the hand, and others). Moreover, the recording of signals can be carried out from various parts of the body.

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