Volumetric harmonizers of space in the interior: theory and practice

Volumetric harmonizers of space in the interior: theory and practice

AUTHORS : Shornikov A.V. | Shornikova E.N. | Zevakhin S.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “KITTInteriorS”, Moscow; FE “Meister Olaf”, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational

INTERIOR DOMUS TUA – SALUS TUA! [lat.] (“Your interior is your health”), this phrase came to us from Ancient Rome. And to this day, interiors created by architects and designers on the Apennine Peninsula are for the whole world not only ideal examples of impeccable style and taste, but also excellent examples of thoughtful ergonomics and ecology of housing.

The authors of the “Interior Therapy ©” method, who began in the distant 90s as leaders of the Italian-Russian architectural and design bureau, in their everyday practice logically adhere to the deep meaning of this saying, and after we got acquainted with the amazing textbook “Living Fields of Architecture” [1], with the unique book “Color Light Therapy” [2], published their first reflections on what a saluberogenic interior is and the principles of its creation [3] and began close cooperation with the IMEDIS Center, whose equipment we are actively and productively we still use it for diagnostics and research [4], we have chosen this motto as the main guideline and direction of our activity to study the influence of the interior and the subject environment on human health and psyche.

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