Possibilities of clinical application of the ART version of the Sondi-Miraculous test meridians

Features of using the electronic version of the Sondi test in ART

AUTHORS : Bobrov I.A. | Bizyaev P.D. | Mkhitaryan K.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MC “Leib-medic”, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational

Previously, the authors presented a number of works containing a concept, within the framework of which it was possible to consider the Szondi method, which includes the Szondi test (the method of portrait elections [1] and the doctrine of fate analysis [2], from the point of view of the theory of functional systems (FS) P.K. Anokhin with Wonderful meridians (FM) and trigrams (TG) Ba-Gua in TCM As a result, it was possible to show that MC TCM correspond to TG and are in the full sense FS according to Anokhin, carrying out the formation of chronosemantic, and in fact biosocial homeostasis [3]

Thus, it was shown that within the framework of TCM there is an integral system for describing a person’s constitution within the balance of the FSFM [4]. The same FSFM are presented in the European Szondi test as attraction factors.are markers of these FSFMs as genetically determined, which in itself made it possible to optimize the choice of FMs for therapy, as well as to describe the patient’s constitution within the framework of a holistic model of eight FSFMs – attraction factors according to Szondi with a quantitative assessment based on the portrait election method.

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Features of using the electronic version of the Sondi test in ART
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