The time effect of substances on the human body (identified by diagnostics according to R. Voll)

The time effect of substances on the human body (identified by diagnostics according to R. Voll)

AUTHORS : Alyoshin S.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center for Intensive Health Recovery “SCENARplus”, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational

We constantly have to meet a situation when substances good for health, with a seemingly guaranteed effect, do not act on a person at a given time. And after a while, these substances turn out to be quite effective. Or the opposite situation: today they came up, and after a month of admission (or even not admission) they are generally ineffective. With similar clinical symptoms (ARVI, cystitis, gastritis, etc.), there are no substances that have a stable healing effect on these pathological manifestations.

Perfectly selected drugs and substances lose their effectiveness over time and cease to act on chronic pathology. We are talking about substances that, during electropuncture testing (R. Voll’s method, ART, etc.), improve or lead to normal indicators of the existing deviations. This report does not consider corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants, antihypertensive drugs, etc., which suppress the adaptive reactions of the body and, as a result, aggravate the state of organs and systems.

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