High-molecular compounds of humic nature – promising biologically active compounds
AUTHORS : Zykova M.V. | Logvinova L.A. | Belousov M.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health Russia, Tomsk
YEAR : 2018
SUMMARY Natural biominerals and geopolymers, such as natural products of humification (peat, sapropel, mummy, leonardite), have recently become attractive
as food additives and starting materials for the development of medicines based on them. High-molecular compounds of a humic nature are generally understood
to mean humic substances of various caustobiolites. The polyfunctionality and zwitterionic character are unique properties of humic substances, since they
characterize them as the most active chelating agents among natural organic