Bioresonance therapy in the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis in conditions hospital

Bioresonance therapy in the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis in conditions hospital

AUTHORS : Gustomesova IN AND. | Gustomesov E.L. | Tarasova I.Yu. | Bala A.Yu. | Kuchkovskaya T.P.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : BUZ Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1, Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia
YEAR : 2017


Chronic pyelonephritis is a disease of an infectious and inflammatory nature, in which the calyces, pelvis and tubules of the kidneys are involved in the
inflammatory process, followed by damage to their glomeruli and blood vessels. According to available statistics, chronic pyelonephritis among all diseases of
the genitourinary organs with an inflammatory nature is diagnosed in 60–65% of
cases, and in 20–30% of cases it is a consequence of acute pyelonephritis.



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