The role of psycho-emotional stress in the emergence and development of somatic pathology
AUTHORS : Kazmirovsky YES. | Lykova E.D. | Igoshin E.A. | Tkachenko O.N. | Chumak L.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “EliteMed”, Krasnodar, Russia
YEAR : 2013
When patients referred to the EliteMed Bioresonance Therapy Center, the most significant reason for the development of somatic pathology was often
psychoemotional load of 4–8 degrees, revealed during testing by the method of vegetative resonance test. Subsequent studies revealed a direct relationship
between psychoemotional stress and the somatic pathology of patients. A total of 215 people were examined.
In 39% of cases, long-term allergic rhinitis was cured in a short time (up to 3