Helminthiasis masks

Helminthiasis masks

AUTHORS : Fedotova L.P. | Fedotov N.A.

YEAR : 2012


Over the past decades, the number of people infected with helminths and other parasitic infestations has been increasing all over the world.
An expert assessment by WHO indicates that more than 4.5 billion people in the world are affected by the causative agents of this group of diseases. According
to experts, the number of people with helminthiases in Russia annually exceeds 20 million, and there is also a tendency to increase. Perhaps, the Krasnodar Territory
occupies a special place here – after all, the Kuban climate is very mild, there is practically no frost on the Black Sea coast, with rare exceptions. On cold winter
days, helminth eggs can overwinter under the snow and remain viable in the soil. The cultivation of greenhouses and the year-round cultivation of greens,
vegetables, strawberries increases the risk of infection with helminths at any time
of the year.



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