The systemic meridian principle of endogenous bioresonance therapy with the use of the front and back median meridians, wonderful meridians and chakras. Clinical Approbation Summary

The systemic meridian principle of endogenous bioresonance therapy with the use of the front and back median meridians, wonderful meridians and chakras. Clinical Approbation Summary

AUTHORS : Gotovsky M.Yu. | Kosareva L.B.

YEAR : 2011


Formulated and developed by Yu.V. The concept of endogenous bioresonance therapy (BRT) is ready for the systemic meridian approach. The
meridian principle in endogenous BRT was the basis for the therapeutic equipment developed and created by the IMEDIS Center. In therapeutic apparatus complexes, the therapeutic effect is carried out in the frequency ranges compared with the 12
classical meridians and the corresponding Foll vessels.



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