Bioresonance diagnostics of the effectiveness of resonance field therapy premature aging and diseases of civilization with the help of relict bacteria of permafrost

Bioresonance diagnostics of the effectiveness of resonance field therapy premature aging and diseases of civilization with the help of relict bacteria of permafrost

AUTHORS : Ivanchenko V.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Biopharm-test”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2010

At present, the Siberian phenomenon is the presence in this region of a large number of centenarians with low morbidity and excellent health, which is difficult
to agree with life under the conditions of the cold pole and permafrost. These facts interested a group of Russian and Japanese scientists, who, given the urgency of
the problem, received grants for research and conducted a study of the effect of permafrost bacteria (PMB) on the lifespan of fruit flies Drosophila and laboratory



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