The effectiveness of bioresonance technology in growing chickens
AUTHORS : Avakovaone A.G. | Ryadchikov2 V.G. | Ryadchikova2 O.L. | Radul2 A.P. | Zhadan2 I. | Zhadan2 A. | Kovalenko2 M. | Krivoshchekov2 TO. | Demchenko2 E. | Babenko2 M. | Mamontova2 I.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneSKNIIZH, 2Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Russia
YEAR : 2010
Currently, methods have been proposed for the impact of physical factors on animals to activate biological
processes and increase productivity. They are based on the fact that physiological processes occurring in a living
organism are accompanied by electromagnetic phenomena. Metabolism control by targeted exposure to
magnetic-electric fields belongs to the category of bioinformation technologies