Biological activity of the mummy. Publication 11: Effects on blood clotting and platelet count

Biological activity of the mummy. Publication 11: Effects on blood clotting and platelet count

AUTHORS : Frolova L.N. | Kiseleva T.L.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Homeopathy and Naturotherapy NO “Professional Association of Naturotherapists”, Moscow city
YEAR : 2010


Analyzed andsummarized  results numerous experimental studies on the effect of mummy on blood clotting, platelet count and the possibility of using it
for various diseases, including thrombophlebitis. Key words: mummy, mummy extract, anticoagulant activity, coagulabilityblood, platelets.
This publication is a logical continuation of our previous work [6], devoted to the results
of an information and analytical study of the effect of mummy on some blood parameters.



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