Hyperthermia of unseen genesis

Hyperthermia of unseen genesis

AUTHORS : Tikhonova I.S. | Kartashova N.V. | Petritskaya E.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2009


Hyperthermia of unclear genesis, lasting for a long time, occupy a certain place in therapeutic practice. Difficulties in diagnostics can be associated with various factors, for example, due to the limited laboratory research. Sluggish processes without a pronounced clinical picture of the disease and other factors complicate
the process of making a diagnosis, and, accordingly, a tactical approach to treatment. The percentage of such patients is quite high and is of great social importance. Long-term chronic temperature reactions can accompany both chronic processes in the stage of exacerbation and diseases requiring surgical intervention. Despite the developed clinical and laboratory diagnostics, the diagnosis requires a thorough understanding of the diagnosis. The ART method (autonomic resonance testing) allows the doctor to study the patient’s condition in more detail. The ability to differentiate the main source of toxic load greatly facilitates the choice of treatment tactics



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