Treatment of hypertension at a young age (case study)
AUTHORS : Fadeev I.V. | Berezina E.N.
YEAR : 2009
Last fall, a 36-year-old young woman with hypertension came to us. From the anamnesis it was found
that the patient considered himself about 8 years old, when an increase in blood pressure to 170 by 110 units
was accidentally noted. Then blood pressure continued to increase for a month, and soon the figures were
recorded to 190 by 110 units. With an increase in pressure, motor activity, anxiety and a feeling of blood flow to
the head increase. Since these phenomena occurred 2 months after childbirth, the disease was explained as an
emotional breakdown, and the doctor prescribed anti-stress therapy. Calming drugs did not give the desired
effect. Then the patient underwent additional examinations of the kidneys and heart (urinalysis and ultrasound
of the kidneys, ECG and ultrasound of the heart), but there were no pronounced abnormalities. Additionally, an
endocrinologist was consulted. Ultrasound examination of the