Possibilities of using electropunctural diagnostics to assess the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment of patients with chronic post-traumatic headaches in occipital region and neckUsupbekova

Possibilities of using electropunctural diagnostics to assess the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment of patients with chronic post-traumatic headaches in occipital region and neckUsupbekova

AUTHORS : Mokhov D.E.| Vasilenko A.M.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center for Oriental Medicine and Osteopathy, Moscow, Russian Research Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology, Moscow, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
YEAR : 2008


The results of the study showed that impaired postural balance with a change in the state of
fascial chains and muscle hypertonicity, characteristic of chronic post-traumatic headache in the
occipital region and neck, are reflected in the indicators of osteopathic diagnostics and
electropunctural diagnostics.
On average, there is a normalization of the functional state of about 91% of all AK in
osteopathic treatment.
Statistical analysis shows a clear correspondence between the results of electroacupuncture
diagnostics in patients with chronic post-traumatic headache in the occipital region and neck before
and after the course of osteopathic treatment.
Key words: headache, osteopathic treatment, fascial chains, electropuncturediagnostics.


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