Once again about the feasibility and priority within the framework of energy-informational diagnostic and therapy methods
AUTHORS : Trifonov A.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Help yourself”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2008
IN last thing time appeared sensation over-passion electropuncture vegetative resonance test to the detriment of the use of adaptive
bioresonance therapy devices. Any reasonable action is reasonable when it is expedient, i.e. corresponds to
a conscious goal. What goal or super task should be solved doctor?! The answer is obvious – to restore functionality to restore
conditions outside and inside the body to optimize self-regulation, i.e.
Within the framework of energy-information technologies, this task is
achieved by synchronizing the field frequency-wave continuum in the body, by
inverting aperiodic (disharmonic) and strengthening harmonic oscillations.