Biospheric pathogenic zones “Onco” and “Crohn” – a method for determining the using the vegetative resonance test “IMEDIS-TEST”
AUTHORS : Dobrovolskaya E.Yu. | Nekrasov V.A. | Efremov G.A. | Dobrovolskaya E.A.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : International Academy of Fine-Field Ecology of Health, Moscow, g.
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
YEAR : 2008
Geopathogenic zones (GPZ) are limited areas of the earth’s surface (from 20 cm to several meters), in which anomalies of the daily dynamics of geoelectric and
geomagnetic fields are observed, which destructively affects any biological objects, including the human body. In the folk tradition of many countries, there is an idea about “lost places”, about the danger of living in them. In Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries. this was officially recognized at the level of the conclusions of the tsarist commissions. The first assumptions of scientists about the existence of GPZ and their role in the emergence of serious human diseases arose back in 1933.Since the early 80s, scientists from the USA, Germany, Canada,