Biosynthetic processes at the intercellular level in patients with ischemic cerebral circulation disorders according to autonomic resonance data test

Biosynthetic processes at the intercellular level in patients with ischemic cerebral circulation disorders according to autonomic resonance data test

AUTHORS : Chepurnayaone S.L. | Schmidt2 I.R.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneMLPU GKB No. 1, 2GOU DPO NGIUV Roszdrav, Novokuznetsk, Russia
YEAR : 2008


Introduction Ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation (IICI) are an important medical and social problem. Recent epidemiological studies indicate an increase in the “epidemic” of stroke in developing countries and countries of eastern Europe, [10] including in Russia. INI is one of the leading causes of morbidity, mortality, significant disability, social maladjustment of patients [6, 7] At present, the problem of diagnosing the state of the tissue, the vascular
system in patients with IUD during the recovery period, the possibility of preventing
the occurrence of IUD, remains urgent.



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