The method of preparing a targeted urine autonosode in combination with general bioresonance drug

The method of preparing a targeted urine autonosode in combination with general bioresonance drug

AUTHORS : Brichuk V.A. | Koritsky O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : PE “Medicor-2”, Vinnitsa, Ukraine
YEAR : 2008


Long-term practice of using urine autonosode and OBR- and PBS preparations prompted the idea of combining these techniques in various combinations.
For these purposes, a stationary computer complex “IMEDIS-EXPERT” manufactured by LLC “IMEDIS”, a device for autonomous BR-therapy “IMEDIS-BRTA”
and an autonomous drug selector are used. Preparation of the drug begins with the recording of the KMX marker. For
this, the chronosemantic light probe (designed by Kudaev, Mkhitaryan, Khodareva)
is connected to the socket of the container No. 2 of the IMEDIS-BRT-A apparatus.



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