New technologies in health color correction and disclosure of phenomena and patterns in the interaction of the retina of the eye and light
AUTHORS : Teterina T.P.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center of color therapy “TETTA”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2007
Hermann Helmholtz in the middle of the 19th century for the first time expressed the idea that all those forces with the help of which our body lives and moves, have their source of sunlight. Johann Goethe, back in 1748, first noticed that our eyes are sunny and in his poem he wrote:
“If our eyes were not sunny, whoever admires the sun.”
Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov at the beginning of the last century in his book “The Eye and the Sun” also expressed his concept of the sunshine of the eye. He wrote: “The eye cannot be understood without knowing the Sun, on the contrary, by the properties of the Sun one can theoretically determine the features of the eye.” No wonder there is a proverb: “The sun created creatures of its own kind.”