The relationship of bioinformatics, clinical bioinformatics and informotherapy

The relationship of bioinformatics, clinical bioinformatics and informotherapy

AUTHORS :  Skrypnyuk Z.D.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Research Institute of Integrative and Negentropic
medicine, Kiev-1, Ukraine
YEAR : 2007


Comparing the terms “clinical bioinformatics” and “informotherapy”, it can be concluded that these two sciences have many common tasks. “Bioinformatics”
is a science, the subject of which is the study of the information state and information processes in biological systems (Skrypnyuk, 1999, 2002; Chailakhyan,
2005). “Clinical bioinformatics “is a science, the subject of which is the study of the information
state (structure) and information processes in the process of pathogenesis and sanogenesis of biological systems (Skrypnyuk, 2005). “Informotherapy” is a branch
of medicine that studies the influence of information on physiological, biochemical, biophysical and pathological processes in humans and animals, the processes of
receipt, coding, storage, decoding and use of information, develops methods of therapeutic and preventive use of information (Skrypnyuk, 1989, 1994).



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