Light probe and light chronosemantics in bioresonance therapy

Light probe and light chronosemantics in bioresonance therapy

AUTHORS :  Kudaev A.E. |  Mkhitaryan K.N.|  Khodareva N.K.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LPTs “Artemida”, GUZ “TsVMiR No. 1” RO, Rostov-on-Don, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow,
YEAR : 2007


Introduction Research carried out by a team of authors established the phenomenon of transfer of a control signal (as it is often said, “information”) from one biological system to another using a light beam with certain characteristics of electromagnetic radiation [1]. On the basis of these experiments, a new
apparatus for transferring information was developed – a light probe, with the help of which the transfer of “information” from one biological system to another is carried out by a laser beam. The use of a light probe in chronosemantics and in the practice of targeting drugs at KMH radically
changed these procedures in terms of their technical execution. What used to take hours is now taking minutes. In addition, it became possible to record processes that practically cannot be carried out using a contact probe [2]. However, the introduction of any new tool for transferring
“information” generates many “pitfalls”.



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