New approaches to control and increase the effectiveness of treatment. Determination of lesion levels and direction of the healing process
AUTHORS : Bobrov I.A. | Mkhitaryan K.N.
YEAR : 2007
The issues of (anticipatory) assessment of the effectiveness of therapy in the application of energy-informational methods of treatment remain relevant, as well as
the search for ways to increase the effectiveness of the therapy itself. The authors understand the advance assessment of the effectiveness of the
therapy being carried out as an assessment of its correctness, obtained even before its completion, that is, in the process of the therapy itself. This approach
should actually make it possible to predict the effectiveness of therapy in the future. Moreover, the content of concepts such as”efficiency” and / or “right” the
therapy is not discussed in the work – it is assumed that these are concepts known to the doctor from practical experience, both his own and his colleagues