Endogenous bioresonance therapy in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis C
AUTHORS : Sobotovich S.L.| Dudoladov V.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Maritime State University named after G.I. Nevelskoy, LPTs
SYNERGY, Vladivostok, Russia
YEAR : 2007
The widespread prevalence of parenteral viral hepatitis, including chronic hepatitis C (CHC), the difficulties and low efficiency of their treatment leave the
problem highly relevant, especially in connection with the severity and completeness of the consequences of these diseases. Despite this, there is very little new in the fight
against them. CHC is still studied only from traditional positions, taking into account the peculiarities of the clinic, the biology of the virus, and functional shifts. The emphasis on the so-called energy-information systems, known in great variety and strength, actively affecting the human body and the causative agent of HCV is not
done, although they are present in many, different in action, can cause them and various “breakdown”, and have a healing effect. Only in recent years, thanks to the
works of Yu.V.