On some results of an experiment aimed at identifying the suitability of bioresonance therapy (BRT) methods for studying energy-information processes in human and animal viruses (Preliminary data)
AUTHORS : Tsilinsky I. Ya. | Gotovsky M. Yu. | Mkhitaryan K.N. | Kudaev A.E. | Roik O.A.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Research Institute of Virology,
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences named after D.I. Ivanovsky, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow,
YEAR : 2007
Purpose: implementation of the transfer of energy-informational signals from virions (dormant virus) to a virus that multiplies in eukaryotic cells cultured in
vitro. Determination of the biological transfer effect. Materials and methods The object of the study was the vesicular stomatitis virus (VVS) and the cells
susceptible to it – transplantable human skin fibroblasts (PFKCH). The source of energy-informational signals was an air force suspension with an infectious titer of 10 5.3 TCD / 50 in 0.05 ml (TCD – tissue cytopathogenic dose). The virus was grown on PFKCH. Medium 199 with growth supplements and antibiotics was used as a supporting medium (PS) during its cultivation