Experience of using bioresonance therapy in the treatment of gastroenterocolitis (Case from practice)

Experience of using bioresonance therapy in the treatment of gastroenterocolitis (Case from practice)

AUTHORS : Shmelev A.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia
YEAR : 2006


Patient A. turned to the Center for Energy Information Medicine with complaints of frequent, up to several times a day, unformed stools. The diagnosis
revealed a combined viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic burden of the stomach, small and large intestine, dysbiosis, hepatogenic load. the target organ is the liver.
Foil was tested from various places in the patient’s apartment to identify the presence of geopathogenic zones, a therapeutic diet was selected, and resonancefrequency
therapy was prescribed to eliminate the identified pathogens. During
the period of frequency therapy



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