Experience in the treatment of urogenital infections using bioresonance and multiresonant therapy
AUTHORS : Kasimova G. Sh. | Ermina E.L.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Homeopathic Center, Kirov, Russia
YEAR : 2006
For 5 years, our Center has been successfully using the equipment of the IMEDIS Center for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic urogenital infections
(HUGI). Of the total number of patients who applied to our Center for medical care, 30% are patients with diseases
the urogenital sphere. Most often, when diagnosing by the ART method, we detect ureaplasmosis, genital herpes (HH) and trichomoniasis.
Based on the results of our 5-year follow-up, these infections are more often
tested as mix-associated. Thus, in one patient, 2-3 infections are often detected
during testing at once.