Echinococcosis. Experience of using transfer factors (Case from practice)
AUTHORS : Tikhonov E.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2006
According to the US Statistical Office of Health for 2004, orthodox medicine reveals 20% of pathology in humans; 80% latent course of diseases, carriage of bacteria, viruses,
invasions. Echinococcosis of the liver and lungs in 91% of cases occurs without symptoms, and is
detected as an accidental finding (according to a number of authors: Bronstein A.M., Tokmalayev A.K., etc.). The orthodox approach is surgical practice, which does not always give a positive result: complications and relapses are possible, which is confirmed by my 15-year
practice as a radiologist for computed tomography in the conditions of the Central Military