Promising methods for assessing the psychophysiological adaptation of a person to extreme situations
AUTHORS : Maslova M.G. | Kurtseitov L.K. | Volodarsky V.L. | Bobrovich L.N. | Druchilo T.F.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : National Research Center of the Ministry of Defense, Main Military Clinical Hospital
Moscow region, Kiev, Ukraine
YEAR : 2006
Many professions are associated with activities in extreme conditions: firefighters, special forces, military personnel of the peacekeeping contingent, drivers of heavy vehicles over long distances, etc. Extreme situations are characterized by the swiftness of events, lack of time, great
psychological and physical stress, the presence of risk factors for human health and life. The specified
features of activity in extreme situations place increased demands on the psychophysiological state of
a person, on the adaptive capabilities of his body.