Optimization of the application of brain rhythm induction programs

Optimization of the application of brain rhythm induction programs

AUTHORS : Tikhomirov D.D.

YEAR : 2006


The use of induction programs in the frequency ranges of the human brain rhythms is an integral part of the IMEDIS equipment. This
refers to the use of frequency ranges generated by the equipment within the framework of the conditional division into alpha rhythm (7-14 Hz),
beta rhythm (14-30 Hz), tetarhythm (4–7 Hz) and delta rhythm (0.5–3.5 Hz) in the mode of induction therapy programs. However, as experience
shows, these programs are used very rarely, or not at all. In fact, the above frequencies of the brain rhythm ranges are a kind of frequency “swing”
similar to the 1-10 Hz range, which links the frequency range from delta to alpha rhythm. In order to use these programs optimally and effectively,
you need to clearly understand the algorithms for their testing and effective impact on the patient. These programs can be used both in the
contact version – through the frontal electrodes, and in the non-contact



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